New Jersey
Rhode Island
N.W. Territories
Name of organization: Second Story Coffeehouse
Name of contact person: Jeff Nuttle
Address: 215 Market Street, Denton, Md. 21629
Phone Number: 410-479-0132
Venue: Caroline County Public Library
Address: 100 Market Street, Denton, Md. 21629
Primary focus of the organization:
(x) Folk music fans
( ) Musicians' society
Number of members:10
Day and time of meetings: Once a month Sept-April
Name of organization: Outta Sights & Sounds
Address, city and state of meetings:
Address, city and state of venue (if different than above): Grace Norton Rogers School Theater, Stockton Street & Oak Lane, Hightstown NJ (DO NOT CALL OR SEND MAIL TO THIS ADDRESS)
Web address:
Name of contact person: Tay Mueller
Phone Number: (609) 448-4711 (machine always on)
Address: PO Box 1272, Hightstown NJ 08520
Primary focus of the organization: Outta Sights & Sounds is a small organization with big dreams. We are a totally not-for profit group of volunteers who produce professional quality concerts in our local community, Hightstown, New Jersey, though patrons regularly travel from New York and Philadelphia, and occasionally from Connecticuit, Washington or Alaska. We like to think of ourselves as a small band of beaux-arts guerrillas who are working to bring culture and music to the masses.
( X ) Folk music fans
( ) Musicians' society
Number of members: 24 ±10
Newsletter contact person: Tay Mueller
Phone Number: (609) 448-4711 (machine always on)
Address: PO Box 1272, Hightstown NJ 08520
Day and time of meetings: we usually put on at least one concert a month in our main 400 seat venue, with smaller house concerts added as possible.
Travel Directions: To G. N. ROGERS SCHOOL THEATER:
FROM THE NJ TURNPIKE: Get off the turnpike at Exit 8 (Hightstown). Bear left out of the toll plaza. At the second light, (facing Hightstown Engine Company No. 1) make a left. At the first light (Stockton Street, less than half a block) make a right. The school is about 4 or 5 blocks down and will be on your right. It has a big Marquee out front that we are not permitted to use, but which you can't miss anyway. There is PARKING in the lot behind the school and some on the street. There is also parking behind the Walter C. Black school which is across Stockton Street. The entrance to the lobby is around front, facing Stockton Street.
Make a right into Hightstown at Route 571- Princeton Hightstown Road (by the Mobil Station and the Dunkin' Donuts on your left, Carduners Liquor Store ahead left, Carpet store ahead right, Weichart Realtors on your right) This becomes (is) Stockton Street. The Rogers school is ahead on the left hand side of the road at the first corner (see description, above).
Make a left onto Route 571- Princeton Hightstown Road and follow the directions above.
Name of organization: Mine Street Coffeehouse
Address of meeting place: First Reformed Church, Neilson & Bayard St, New Brunswick NJ
Name of contact person: Bob Yahn
Phone Number: 732-828-1945
Address:141 Townsend St, New Brunswick NJ 08901
Primary focus of the organization: To bring local and regional talent to Central New Jersey, with an emphasis on traditional. Oldest all acoustic coffeehouse in NJ. Concerts held every Saturday night Sept. thru June, annual open stage on Thanksgiving weekend
(x) Folk music fans
( ) Musicians' society
Number of members:
Newsletter contact person:$5 per year to be on mailing list.
Phone Number:
Day and time of meetings and concerts: tba
Travel Directions: off Rt 18, Rt 27 South Princeton exit to Neilson St,
turn left, go 3 blocks, church on right at corner of Neilson & Bayard. OR
I-287 to exit 10, Easton Ave-New Brunswick, all the way to end of Easton
Ave, turn left on to Albany St, to Neilson St, turn right, go 3 blocks to
church on right.
Name of organization: The Folk Project
Address of meeting place: Northern New Jersey
Web address:
Name of contact person: Mike Agranoff
Primary focus of the organization: Runs the Minstrel Coffeehouse, a weekly concert series, Swinging Tern Dances and Highland Park Dances, two contra dance series, and two festivals a year.
Name of organization: 1 of 52 Hunger Program
Address, city and state of meetings: PO Box 9, Clayville, RI 02815
Name of contact person: Steve Maciel
Phone Number: 1-888-HUNGER-0
Primary focus of the organization: We're a grassroots hunger effort that any artist can participate in. We've got some great names in folk music involved. Please visit our web site to see if youd be interested in helping us with this simple program to end hunger.
( ) Folk music fans
(X) Musicians' society
Number of members: 28
Newsletter contact person: SAME
Other Links: Grassroots Music Hunger Program
Name of organization: Seattle Folklore Society
Name of contact person: Bruce Baker, President
Phone Number: (206) 528-8546
Address: P.O. Box 30141, Seattle, WA 98103
Web Page:
Primary focus of the organization:
(X) Folk music fans
( ) Musicians' society
Number of members: 1,100
Newsletter contact person: Melanie White
Phone Number: (206) 517-0808
Address: P.O. Box 30141, Seattle, WA 98103
Day and time of meetings: No regular meetings.
Name of organization: Fondy Acoustic Music Alliance, Inc. (FAMA)
Address, city and state of meetings: Varied
Address, city and state of venue: Windhover Arts Center,51 Sheboygan St., Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Name of contact person: Tom Otte
Phone Number: Tom--920-921-7813
Address: P.O. Box 1875, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1875
Primary focus of the organization:
(X) Folk music fans
(X) Musicians' society
Number of members: approx. 100
Newsletter contact person: Mary Park
Phone Number: 920-7488-6104
E-mail: or
Address: P.O. Box 1875, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1875
Day and time of meetings: 2nd Sunday of every month, 6:30 pm
Travel Directions: Coming from Milwaukee-Take Hwy 41 North to Fond du Lac, Head east on Hwy 23 to Main Street, Right onto Main to Sheboygan St., Left on Sheboygan to address
Name of organization: Green Apple Folk Music Society
Address, city and state of meetings and venue: Bubolz Nature Preserve, 4815 N. Lynndale Drive Appleton, WI 54913
Web address:
Name of contact person: Dan Geddes
Phone Number: (920)738-0254
Address: P.O. Box 5164, Appleton, WI 54912
Primary focus of the organization:
(X) Folk music fans
(X) Musicians' society
Number of members: 200
Newsletter contact person: Dan Geddes
Phone Number: (920)738-0254
Address: 816 S. Pierce Ave., Appleton, WI 54914
Day and time of meetings: Board meetings are normally 7:00 PM, first monday of
the month. Check the website for other events.
Travel Directions: County Hwy. A from Appleton, 1.5 miles north of U.S. 41.
Name of organization: SongCycleS Music Studio
Address, city and state of meetings: 1425 W. Mason St./ Green Bay, Wisconsin
Web address:
Name of contact person: Benjamin Smeall
Phone Number: 920-490-8793
Address: 1425 W. Mason St.
Primary focus of the organization:
(X) Folk music fans
(X) Musicians' society
Number of members: 60-80
Newsletter contact person: Benjamin Smeall
Phone Number: 920-490-8793
Address: 1425 W. Mason St.
Day and time of meetings: Flexible
Travel Directions: On Mason St. between Fisk and Ridge, south side of the street.
Name of organization: Uptown Folk Club
Address, city and state of meetings: Christ Church Anglican Parish Hall, 12116 - 102 Ave., Edmonton, AB. Canada
Name of contact person: Bob Kenyon
Phone Number: (403)462-0463
Address: 10411 - 84 St., Edmonton, AB., Canada, T6A 3R3
Web page:
Primary focus of the organization:
(X) Folk music fans
( ) Musicians' society
Number of members: 30
Newsletter contact person: As above
Phone Number: As above
E-mail: As above
Address: As above
Day and time of meetings: varies
Travel Directions: One block north of Jasper Avenue and three blocks east of 124 Street. Lots of on-street parking and main bus lines within a block of the hall.
Name of organization: Yellowknife House Ceilidhs
Address, city and state of meetings: Yellowknife, North West Territories, Canada
Name of contact person: Moira Cameron or Steve Lacey
Phone Number: (867) 920-2464 or (867) 873-6580
E-mail: or
Address: 4505 School Draw Ave, Yellowknife, NT, Canada, X1A 2K3
Primary focus of the organization: Song circle
(X) Folk music fans
(X) Musicians' society
Number of members: varies month to month, and year to year
Day and time of meetings: Last Saturday of every month
Travel Directions: phone ahead of time to find out the location (hosted by different people every month
Name of organization: Georgian Bay Folk Festival
Address, city and state of meetings: 1235 3rd Avenue East, Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Name of contact person: Steve Briggs
Phone Number: 519-371-2995
Address: RR2 Kemble, Ontario N0H 1S0
Primary focus of the organization: Annual Summerfolk Music and Crafts Festival
(X) Folk music fans
(X) Musicians' society
Number of members: 200
Newsletter contact person: Steve Briggs
Phone Number: 519-371-2995
Address: RR2 Kemble, Ontario
Travel Directions: 2 hours north of Toronto and Kitchener