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Carrie Newcomer
The Age Of Possibility
2000, Philo
Carrie Newcomer has quietly emerged as one of the more poignant and spiritual singer-songwriters of late. Barbara Kingsolver, who wrote the introduction to Newcomers latest release, The Age Of Possibility, eloquently sings Newcomers praises, "The poetry is transcendent, especially in hymns to grace and experience like "Bare To The Bone" and "Anything With Wings" and "Sparrow" might be the most perfect love song Ive ever heard."
Newcomer has recorded seven albums and including this one which may prove to be her best. Newcomer sings with remarkable passion, and her lyrics are filled with powerful insight. She writes about subjects inherent to the human condition and the forces that bind us together. She has the ability to turn the intimately personal into something spiritual and universal. In this fast paced world, Newcomer gives listeners pause, imploring them to stop and listen, finding beauty in the human experience.
Newcomers voice is smoky and rich and she blends elements of folk, country and pop into these thirteen songs. Each vibrates with hope and love and the belief in the resilience of man. She is backed by a bevy of talented musicians including Don Dixon, Jim Brock, Keith Skooglund, Richard Putnam and more. At times Newcomers sound is reminiscent of Les Sampous workgutsy and from the heart.
Whether you are a diehard Newcomer fan or someone new to her work, you shouldnt miss with this one.Sara Barss