Music Matters Albums
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Issue 15
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Issue 19
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Issue 21
Issue 22
Issue 23
Issue 24
Issue 25
Issue 26
Issue 27
Issue 28
Issue 29
Issue 30

Another Sky
2000, Narada (Virgin)
Altan takes its name from a lake in County Donegal and as a band has existed, in one form or another, for well over fifteen years. Their latest Celtic import is a diverse collection of reels and jigs, carried by some wonderful musicianship.
What really drives Altans power as a group is the handful of ballads carried by fiddler and vocalist Maihread Ni Mhaonaighs. (Three tunes are sung in English, including a cover of Dylans Girl from the North Country. [mp3 sample on Altan's web page] The rest are in Gaelic). With twin fiddles, and traditional instruments including accordion and bouzouki, this is a fine collection of Irish traditional music.Michael Gaither