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Austin Lounge Lizards Link:
Austin Lounge Lizards
- The Austin Lounge Lizards
Never An Adult Moment
2000, Sugar Hill
Head cases unite! Let your freak flag fly and soak your brain in the weirdness of a certified group of excellently musical nut jobs. Opening with a Nirvana meets folk cross fertilization of bizarre proportions, the stage is set for psychobluegrass with a sense of aqueous humor, if you see what I mean. Not to be neglected are the cerebral aspects of the story of Rasputins medico-historical fate, the sadness of attempting to procure a beer in a dry state, an Appalachian saga of Hillbilly life, death and rebirth. From bluegrass to Western Swing to Country, these crazy guys make mayhem and music. Witness Richard Pettys rush to celluloid immortality, the life and times of an ex-Wall Streeter, mythic deification of that paragon, the auto mechanic and, of course, the crisp recording of those skillful guys at Electric Larryland. When you need a fix of wacked, its the Austin Lounge Lizards, hee yah!!Mark Gresser