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Issue 15
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Issue 29
Issue 30

Mike Aldridge, Bob Brozman, & David GrismanTone Poems III Acoustic Disc
Youve got to envy David Grismans day job. He gets up, invites a few very remarkable players/friends over, breaks out the great slide and resophonic instruments, (which hit their stride in the Hawaiian music craze of the early 1920s) punches record, and comes up with another rapturously played and beautiful sounding recording.
Following in the illustrious footsteps of Tone Poems I & II (which explored bluegrass and jazz using vintage instruments of the time) the sublime Tone Poems III rings with the sound of Weissenborns, Martins, Nationals, and Gibsons and the virtuoso playing of Aldridge, Brozman and Grisman. The lushly detailed 48 page booklet shows the instruments used. The tunes run the gamut from standards ("St. Louis Blues," "Stompin At The Savoy") to obscure Tin Pan Alley ("It Happened In Monterey") and originals. Aldridges heroic closer "Las Ninas" and the trios funky "New Steal," mark this as acoustic music without peer or parallel. Mike Jurkovic