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Drawing by Randall LaBry
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- Various
Medicine Show Vol. 2Live at Grant St. Dancehall
1999, Acadiana Arts Council

Tommy would've liked it this way. A group of his best Louisiana buddies making music, partying and making joyful noise to celebrate his life. In life, Tommy Comeaux was a medical pathologist but was cut down in his prime while out bicycling. His second passion was Cajun music. He was an accomplished master of the guitar, mandolin, dobro and bass and played with Beausoleil, the Basin Brothers, Coteau and sat in when and wherever. In his honor, an endowed chair in traditional music will be formed at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette. The state will contribute $400K if $600K is raised as private gifts. That's how the Medicine Show CD series came about. The proceeds from a series of concert CDs will go into this project, furthering Dr. Comeaux's dream. Well, what a show this was. From Cajun to swamp pop to good ol' R&R, this is a smoker. The Doucet brothers, Steve Riley, Sonny Landreth, Roddy Romero, Al Berard, Errol Verret (RIP)... you get the picture. It joined friends together and made music straight to heaven. Recorded live at Lafayette's famed Grant St. Dancehall and broadcast worldwide on the net, it's packed with the virtuoso playing and jamming and revolving solos and vocals that you expect from a Louisiana music event. Live free Tommy, we'll miss you. Donations are tax deductible:
Dr. Tommy Comeaux Endowed Fund for Traditional Music
UL-Lafayette Office of Development
PO Box 43410
Lafayette, LA 70504
337-482-0922 or through the Acadiana Arts Council at 337-233-7060 or on line at